Saturday in the french Alps

It seems to me people can be divided in mountain lovers and…well, the not so mountain lovers. I’m definitely the latter. I feel much more comfortable in flat regions, preferably close to the sea, and, as we say in german, if I can already spot the visitor who will arrive tomorrow (because it is that flat), I’m a lucky girl. However, despite that preference, I ended up living in the Alps, and so, why not, got to see the Mont Blanc. It IS the highest european mountain top after all.

The panorama there in Chamonix is really impressive. It is a narrow valley surrounded by glaciers and 3000 to 4000m high rocks. One Saturday spent there confirmed: yap, I do not get the excitement others get. Because I can’t see! Every time you have to look up to see the sky. I want to look straight ahead and see the horizon, be able to check the weather and such, but no, there you have to bend your head because of that stony wall in front.

We undertook a cable car ride up to the top of Aiguille du Mont Blanc, which was fun. High up there it is also a lot easier to see the sky and the panoramic view across the French Alps was fantastic, admittedly. Unfortunately, Sunday was covered in clouds with torrential rain, so we head back home earlier than planned- but not without taking back some delicious cheese and salami to have a feast at night.

Here come the pictures:

The view from the terrace

The view from the terrace

On the way to Chamonix city center

On the way to Chamonix city center




About Susanne

I am a marine biologist, inspired by the ocean, nature, tea and beautiful fabric patterns.
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1 Response to Saturday in the french Alps

  1. Maike says:

    I think it looks stunning… But I love the seaside as well


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